2018, You did it.
“You did it, you did it, you did it!!!”
My wife is certainly no comic genius, but she never fails to deliver an incredibly enthusiastic “You did it!” while vigorously clapping, always just at the right moment.
You would think such a response would come when some great feat was accomplished, but no, that would be too logical and not at all funny. She perfectly delivers this enthusiastic response at times like birthday parties after singing Happy Birthday, as if the person did anything special to turn a year older. Makes me laugh just thinking about it, haha.
Unfortunately she didn’t end the year with her perfectly timed humor because we were deep in sleep, sorry 2018.
So I’d like to try my hand at this.
I’ll start with the enthusiastic clapping……………“YOU DID IT, YOU DID IT, YOU DID IT!!!!”
2018, you did it, my oh my, you did it
Selling just about everything you own in life is a strange experience. Hitting the road with a family of four, your dog, art supplies, and just enough money to get by, is a strange experience as well. But not for a second would we have changed a thing. Well, that’s definitely not true. If possible we would’ve changed a lot, but such desires aren’t worth wasting time on.
We started our trip of a lifetime last May in our beloved 1972 VW bus. We were living the dream, without air conditioning, driving the Texas backroads to the even hotter New Mexico. The bus was iconic and we felt like we were in a movie. That lasted 7 days. Yep. Seven days in to our “sell everything and hit the road” life, we toasted our little 4 cylinder air-cooled engine, a rod bearing to be exact. A friend said to me, “Romanticism last only so long. For you, seven days.”
We quickly found refuge in a little Toyota RV and the trip rolled on. From the Oregon Coast to the Tetons, we spent our time finding wonderful campsites and amazing views to paint. It was a year for the record books no doubt!
2018, you offered the most challenging days I’ve ever experienced, as well as the best, most rewarding days of my near 31 years of life.
You gave us a glimpse of what we want our lives to look like, and have given us hope we can build it. (and no, not a life of mobile vagabonding, but a life pursuing what we love)
2019, no worries, you’ve got your work cut out for you. No need to wonder what you’ll spend your time doing, we’ve got work to do and I’ve never been more excited and motivated to continue on!
We have little planned for 2019, which is the way we want it. Well, aside from some snowy painting in Colorado this month and a 5 week painting trip to France this spring!!!! Yes, France! We can’t wait!
Other than that, we roll on, blank canvases and brushes at the ready.
Happy 2019 everyone, I pray that you do something you love this year. You don’t have to quit a job and sell everything, just do something that you love. Make it simple.
Paint on.
About Me
In 2010 I graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Art. In 2011 my wife, Teysha, started graduate school at Boise State University while I undertook a two year oil painting apprenticeship. In May of 2018, we sold everything, quit our jobs, and hit the road! We currently live in a rusty 1986 Toyota Dolphin named Dolly.